Unter den Linden

The exhibition Under den Linden (Rovaniemi 2016) consists of my diary of observations, thoughts and emotions from the journey in Italy, Poland and Germany between 2012 – 2016.

We bought a 24-hour ticket for traveling around the city. A tram took us close to the hill where stands a monument for the national hero of the country. On the way to the memorial we visited the graveyard where lie many members of the families of the city.
It was one of those winter days when a glow of the sun encloses already a promise of the spring. From the graveyard we followed how a hot air balloon was floating in the air.
On the journey back down to a tram stop we passed an old small woman. She entered into the same tram with us and sat on the opposite of us. The woman had a long striped scarf around her neck. She was so small that the scarf nearly reached the ground.
In her hands she wore mittens. The colour of the other mitten was pale white and the other one was multi-coloured. Both of them had lot of holes. We were sitting next to each other and yet the woman seemed to disappear into her own world.
In the city centre we and the old woman alighted at the same tram stop.
She walked into her directiown direction, and so did we.